Do you need service hours? We are offering opportunities to help in the pantry; sign up here
Kirk Care is nearly 100 % operated by our tireless volunteers. Get involved! We'll help you find a way to volunteer that best suits you.
We are always looking for talented volunteers willing to share their precious time to help us in our mission to feed the hungry and reduce poverty within our community.
We could use your talents in the following areas:
Special events and pantry helpers
(Please note our minimum age to volunteer is 14 with parental supervision or 16 without. Some volunteer assignments have minimum weight lifting requirements.)
*Client food deliveries
*Client assessments
*Pantry stocking
*Food donation pick up
*Filing Foundation/Grant Applications
*Green Tree Festival
*Hands On Kirkwood
*Christmas Basket
*Drive thru food giveaway events
*Website Design and Update
*Newsletter Development
*Community Media Outreach
*Promotional Event Flyer Development
Kirk Care is governed by our board of directors to carry out our mission. Our board is comprised of local church representations who are passionate about helping our neighbors in need. Each church can have to two voting representatives on our board.